First, we need to know what exactly a CDC is. The full form of CDC is a Complying development certificate. It is an approval process that works on the fast track for any of the residential, commercial, or industrial construction, renovation, or development. This approval is for both planning and construction and meets all the predetermined developmental standards. A CDC private certifier is someone who can issue us a complying development certificate and is working privately and is responsible for his own actions and can get your plan accredited.
A private building certifier or a building certifier working for the government can only issue you a certificate that your plans and construction are in accordance with the legislative boundaries set by the council. A certifier is not responsible if there is any issue or a problem with your plans neither can they supervise the construction process for you. They are only responsible to make sure that everything is in order according to the legislative boundaries. They can although guide you about the problems with your plan and your building and at most can recommend you a good builder for your task. They can also tell you what’s wrong with your plan and why it can’t be approved and recommend you a thing or two on how to get your construction plans within the boundaries set by the legislative council.
Certifiers whether they are working privately or for the legislative council, are limited to the work that they can do and they cannot do. To become a certifier they cannot just get knowledge about this stuff and start certifying your plans. But instead, they need to pass an exam of their own and need to have certain licenses before they are able to certify your building. Working privately or under the council does not affect the need for having certifying licenses. Hiring a builder is not your certifier’s job, it is your own. You are in complete command of hiring a builder or a construction company for your building and a certifier has no command over it. Furthermore, a certifier cannot certify his own plans even if he has the talent and permission of making such plans. Every city or state has its own accreditation company of private certifiers and a council of certifiers working for the government. For example, Private Certifiers Central Coast provides certifiers for the central coast area, similarly, Private Certifiers Blue Mountain work for that particular area.